Having Heart
February has been “Heart Month” for a while. I think is might be because of “Valentines’ Day”. A few years ago the American Heart Association even started celebrating the month of February as Heart Month.
Cards, Flowers, Candy and other things are exchanged between those in love or liking. I remember sending cards when I was in elementary school to other class members and my teacher too.
As my years advanced, my thoughts and gifts changed. To be honored with a Valentines’ Day card or gift reminded me that I was loved and when I gave a card or gift I hoped that the receiver felt the same.
This February can be the start for you to: share the Love that Jesus gave; to give the gift of Hope that Jesus offers; to offer the Grace of acceptance that Jesus offers.
We can show what “Having Heart” is about. It will be different for each of us. There are plenty of ways we can use our heart. We can volunteer somewhere, make something, call or send cards to someone in need. We can be a friend to someone; we can offer the gift of listening and let Jesus guide you. One thing that all need is prayer. Some don’t mind it said to them, others are self-conscious and rather it be offered privately.
You can add giving one more thing this year, to offer your heart and all that goeswith it to Jesus as your gift out of love, for all He has given to you.
Remember, that in giving the giver is blessed. Let me let send these two Valentines’ Day thoughts for you:
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.
Shalom, Pastor Rich