Friday, January 27, 2012


“Souper Bowl” Luncheon

Join us on Sunday February 5th at Zion Church for our 4th annual “Souper Bowl” Luncheon which benefits the Zion Church Relay for Life Team.

Zion Church’s Relay for Life team is hosting a “Souper Bowl” luncheon on Sunday,
February 5th  immediately following our church service.  Join us for a hearty meal consisting of a variety of soups, bread and dessert.  A good will offering will be taken to benefit the Zion Church Relay for Life Team.  Please bring in a pot of your favorite soup or a dessert and enjoy the afternoon with the Zion Church family before returning home to watch the Super Bowl.  Contact Jackie Middleton at or 443-880-6711 for more information.

MARCH DINNER on 3/3/2012
Susan Brown is in charge of the March Dinner and Auction. The march dinner is seeking donations for the auction. Please see Susan Brown or contact Jackie Middleton for donations. 

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